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By Rabbi Rachel Esserman
This is a contentious time in the United States. While I am not happy with the actions of our new president, I feel it is important to reflect on two things when reading t...
By Rabbi Rachel Esserman
My last day as executive editor of The Reporter is scheduled to be December 31 of this year. As of the date of this issue (January 24), I have 11 months and one week remai...
By Bill Simons
As an undergraduate at Colby College in Waterville, ME, I attended on-campus Lovejoy Convocation ceremonies where annually a journalist, invariably well-known and impactful, was hon...
By Rabbi Rachel Esserman
Did Jews own slaves in the antebellum American South? Did these same Jews support the Confederate cause? While it may be distressing to contemporary American Jews to learn...
By Rabbi Rachel Esserman
There are different approaches to discussing rabbinic law and how those laws affect Jewish practice. An objective scholarly look at their development can be found in Elana...
By Rabbi Rachel Esserman
“Oh, the subtitle is a pun,” I thought after receiving a copy of “Sex: Jewish Positions” edited by Miriam Goldmann, Joanne Rosenthal and Titia Zoeter (Hirmer Publi...