By Reporter staff
A variety of Jewish groups are offering High Holiday online resources. Below is a sampling of those.
The Nosher will hold the virtual program “The Easiest Rosh Hashanah Dinner Ever”on Sunday, September 22, at 4 pm, with Chef Sonya Sanford. The cost to attend is $20. The program will offer “a Slavic-inspired menu with an appetizer, a one-pot meal and a dessert you can whip together quickly.” For more information or to register, click here.
My Jewish Learning will hold the virtual class “Do Not Raise Your Hand Against the Boy: The Binding of Isaac in the Torah and Midrash” on Mondays, September 9-30, at 5 pm. Ruby Namdar will look at some biblical, talmudic and midrashic texts that will expose the great complexity of the story and the lessons that might be learned from it. For more information or to register, click here.
The Jewish Theological Seminary will hold several webinars about the upcoming fall holiday season: “Repentance and the Mystical ‘Rope’: The Divine/Human Relationship in Jewish Thought: on Monday, September 16, from 1-2 pm; “Shemini Atzeret, Rain, & Resurrection” on Monday, September 23, from 1-2 pm; and “Book Talk: ‘Seeking the Hiding God: A Personal Theological Essay’” on Monday, September 30, from 1-2 pm. For more information or to register, click here.
The Nosher will hold the virtual program “115 Years of Sweet Tradition: A Conversation with the Joyva Family” on Sunday, September 15, at 1 pm. The cost to attend is $10. The program will explore “the history behind one of the world’s most iconic Jewish food brands.” For more information or to register, click here.
The American Jewish University will hold the virtual program “Why Is This Jewish New Year Different From All Others?” on Wednesday, September 18, at 3 pm. The program will “explore the impact of October 7 and how these events are shaping Jewish peoplehood, Zionism, and the way we relate to Israel.” For more information or to register, click here.
JewBelong is offering a free download of its “High Holidays Booklet.” The booklet includes “traditional and modern readings; blessings, prayers, and texts; and songs.”
The Academy of Jewish Religion is offering a free download of the booklet “These Holy Days: A High Holy Days Supplement After October.” The booklet “is intended to support the Jewish community’s prayers and spirits through Elul and Tishrei.” To sign up to receive a link to the download, click here.
The Nosher will hold the virtual, pre-recorded “Cooking through the Jewish Holidays” with chef and food writer Vered Guttman. The cost to attend is $100 and includes six instructional videos and downloadable and printable recipe book. The videos offer a blend of “practical cooking skills, storytelling and cultural exploration of dishes that have nourished and comforted Jewish communities across the globe.”
The Museum at Eldridge Street will hold a virtual talk “Rosh Hashanah Judaica Seminar” with Tobi Kahn on Tuesday, October 1, at 6 pm. The cost is pay what you wish. Kahn will look at some of his Judaica objects that are on display at Eldridge Street and give an insider perspective on the artist’s inspiration and process. To register for the event, click here.
For additional resources, see our Current Issues, Archived Issues, or Jewish Online Resources pages.