By Reporter staff
A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available.
The Jewish Book Council will hold the virtual program “Actor Brett Gelman in Conversation” on Tuesday, April 9, from 1-2 pm. Gelman and Andrew Silow-Carroll, managing editor for Ideas at JTA, will discuss Gelman’s new book, “The Terrifying Realm of the Possible.” For more information or to register, click here.
The Biblical Archaeology Society will hold a hybrid version of its BAS Summer Seminar 2024 at St. Olaf “Interconnections: The Biblical World of the Eastern Mediterranean” with Professors Jennie Ebeling and Thomas Davis. Lectures will take place July 8-12. The cost for online attendance is $199. For more information or to register, click here.
The Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy will hold the virtual book talk “The Politzer Saga” with Linda Ambrus Broenniman on Wednesday, April 10, from 7-8:30 pm. There is a sliding scale cost to attend. Broenniman will tell “the story of her search for truth and piece together the astonishing history of eight generations of her Jewish ancestors – the Politzer family – their remarkable lives almost lost to her father’s secrets.” For more information or to register, click here.
The Literary Modiin – Solidarity with Israel Event #4 will take place virtually on Sunday, April 14, at 1 pm. For more information or to register, click here.
The Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy will offer several virtual tours, including “Art of the New York City Subways” on Wednesday, April 17, from 8-9:30 pm (available here); “The Architecture of Louis Kahn” on Tuesday, May 7, from 8-9:30 pm (available here), and “The Roaring Twenties, Zionism, & Pharaonism in Cairo” on Wednesday, June 5, from 7-8:30 pm (available here). There is a charge of $15 to attend.
Uri L’Tzedek will hold the virtual program “‘Faith vs. Truth’ in the Chassidic Tradition” with Rabbi Mel Gottlieb on Friday, May 24, at noon. The cost to attend is $18. For more information or to register, click here.
The American Jewish University President’s Speaker series will include several virtual conversations: “The Geopolitics of the Greater Middle East After October 7” on Thursday, April 25, at 3 pm (available here); “Israel and the World after October 7th” on Wednesday, May 15, at 2 pm (available here); and “The Wars of the Middle East” on Thursday, June 6, at 3 pm (
The Institute for Jewish Spirituality will hold the virtual course “God is Here: Reimagining the Divine” with Rabbi Toba Spitzer based on her book of the same name. The course will feature seven live practice sessions on Thursdays, April 18; May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30; and June 6, from 1-2:15 pm. All live sessions will be recorded and available to those who cannot attend live. There is sliding scale for tuition: $349/$249/$149. For more information or to register, click here.
The Institute for Jewish Spirituality will hold the virtual discussion “An Evening with IJS President & CEO, Rabbi Josh Feigelson, in Conversation with Author Rabbi Shai Held” on Monday, April 15, at 8 pm. Held will discuss his new book “Judaism is About Love.” For more information or to register, click here.
Melton will hold the class “Reclaiming Our Narrative: Jewish Peoplehood Post-October 7th” on Monday, April 15, from 2-3 pm. “Dr. Zohar Raviv will look at some of the patterns that have been embedded in Jewish civilization and identity and have resurfaced since October 7. For more information.” For more information or to register, click here.
The American Technion Society will hold the virtual program “Can Science Save the Planet? A Technion Earth Day Webinar” on Wednesday, April 17, at noon. A panel of Technion scientists will “share their insights and research on topics that include sustainable development, renewable energy solutions, sustainable material innovations, and eco-friendly alternatives for chemical processes.” For more information or to register, click here.
Drew University will hold its virtual 2024 George and Alicia Karpati Lectureship with Pulitzer Prize winning author David Kertzer on Wednesday, April 3, at 7:30 pm. Drew University President Hilary L. Link, Ph.D., and Kertzer will discuss the latter’s latest book, “The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler.” For more information or to register, click here.
For additional resources, see our Current Issues, Archived Issues, or Jewish Online Resources pages.