By Reporter staff
A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available.
Qesher will hold the virtual talk “A Year of Music and Food in Jewish Italy” on Thursday, May 9, at 3 pm. There is a sliding scale cost to attend. The talk will “delve into the music and cuisine of what has been her family heritage for centuries and centuries with Miriam Camerini, Israeli-born, Italian-raised theatre director, actress, singer, and rabbi-to-be.” For more information or to register, click here.
HUC Connect will hold the virtual lecture “Judaism in a Digital Age: An Ancient Tradition Confronts a Transformative Era” with Rabbi Danny Schiff on Thursday, May 9, at 2:30 pm. For more information or to register for the events, click here.
Roundtable will hold the virtual four-part course “How the Bible Reached Us” with Professor Gary A. Rendsburg on Monday, May 13; Wednesday, May 15; Monday, May 20; and Wednesday, May 22, from 1-2 pm. There is a $176 cost to attend the course. The course will focus on “the history of the Bible, covering Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English manuscripts from the ancient world through the late 1400s.” For more information or to register, click here.
The Qesher Book Club will hold two free events in May:”The Marriage Box” by Corie Adjmi on Tuesday, May 14, at 3 pm (available here); and “Caravan of Hope: A Bukharan Woman’s Journey to Freedom” by Dahlia Abraham-Klein on Tuesday, May 21, at 3 pm (available here).
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers “Survivor Voices on Antisemitism,” 10 video series about children and the Holocaust. The video can be found on Youtube.
The Jewish Museum will hold “Virtual Unpacking the Book: Jewish Writers in Conversation – The Heart of the Matter: Two Rabbis Discuss Love in the Jewish Tradition” on Thursday, May 16, from 6-7 pm. Rabbi Sharon Brous (“The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and World”) and Rabbi Shai Held (“About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life”) will discuss their latest works. For more information or to register, click here.
Literary Modiin will hold a hybrid author event on Sunday, May 19, at 1 pm, featuring Gila Green (“With a Good Eye”), Sarah Ansbacher (“Wave After Wave”) and Sheryl Abbey (“Along the Edge of Absence”). For more information or to register for the event, click here.
Qesher will hold the virtual talk “Jewish names around the world” on Sunday, June 2, at 3 pm. There is a sliding scale cost to attend. Professor Sarah Bunin Benor will discuss the origin of family names and the customs of naming of babies. For more information or to register, click here.
Uri L’Tzedek will hold the virtual talk “Mind Your Own Business? Balancing Communal Responsibility and Personal Autonomy” with Avi Narrow-Tilonsky on Thursday, May 30, at noon. The cost to attend is $18. For more information or to register, click here.
Roundtable will hold the talk “Books like Sapphires: Hebrew Texts at the Library of Congress” on Monday, May 13, from 2-3 pm. The cost to attend is $44. Ann Brener and Martin J. Gross will discuss the rare Hebrew books, manuscripts and Judaica collections held in the Library of Congress. For more information or to register, click here.
Melton will hold the four-part course “All in the Family: Torah’s Take on Family Relationships” on Wednesdays, May 8-29, from 7-8:30 pm. There is a sliding scale cost to attend. Dr. Sandra Lilienthal “will explore significant family relationships in the Torah, using them as a mirror with which to examine our own relationships.” For more information or to register, click here.
Roundtable will hold the four-week course “Introduction to Kabbalah: A Historical and Spiritual Journey” with Rabbi David Ingber on Mondays, May 20 and June 3-17, from 4-5:15 pm. The course will offer “a historical and spiritual journey through the world of Kabbalah, from biblical prophecy to the Messianic moment.” For more information or to register, click here.
The Jewish Museum is holding a Teen Photo Contest: Time and Tradition. Middle and high school students are invited to submit original photographs that explore connections between history and contemporary life. The deadline for photos is Friday, May 31. For more information, click here.
ALEPH will hold several events in June: “Festschrift for Eve Ilsen’s 75th Birthday” on Sunday, June 2, at 1 pm (available here); “ Desert Wind, A Live Play Reading” on Sunday, June 2 at 7:30 pm (available here); and “ GPS for Your Inner Landscape: The Shore” on Monday, June 24, at 7:30 pm (available here). All events are “pay what you can.”
For additional resources, see our Current Issues, Archived Issues, or Jewish Online Resources pages.