
History Revisited: Daniel Burros, American Nazi

By Bill Simons

There are newspaper front pages that you never forget. In my lifetime, the headlines following the assassination of JFK and the 9/11 attack remain indelible. So, too, does page 1 of the Sunday, October 31, 1965, issue of The New York Times. Articles concerning the final days…

Off the Shelf: Light, fire and fathers

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I have an eclectic taste in books. Sorry, eclectic was a high school vocabulary word that I fell in love with: it’s just a fancy way of saying I like to read a wide variety of books. Years ago, there was bookstore on Washington Avenue in Endicott. The salesman an…

Off the Shelf: Post-World War II mysteries

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Reverberations from World War II have continued throughout the decades, but, when novelists deal with these echoes, they often focus on very different aspects. Take, for example, two recent novels: Joss Weiss offers a dystopian version of the United States in the 19…

Jewish Online Resources 6/3/22

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

Siegal Lifelong Learning will hold several virtual programs this summer: “Child…

Jennifer Steil discusses her novel “Exile Music”

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The Morning Book Club at Temple Concord will be held on Wednesday, June 1, with author Jennifer Steil appearing on Zoom to discuss and read from her novel “Exile Music.” For more information, see Temple Concord’s notes on page 6. The Reporter’s review of the…