Beth David Synagogue will feature Lori Tuberman as its Shabbat luncheon speaker on March 9. The subject of Tuberman’s talk is “Showing Support: My Mission Trip to Israel,” which will be about the trip Tuberman and her husband, Brian, took in December. She will share their experiences, answer questions and will provide information about the various ways others can get involved, based on their interests. People are encouraged to attend the morning service, which will begin at 9:30 am. There is no charge for the luncheon.
After the October 7 Hamas attack, Tuberman heard an Israeli government spokesman indicate that the best way for Diaspora Jews to help Israel now is to come to Israel as a tourist, a volunteer, or as part of a solidarity mission. The trip the Tubermans took was organized by Rabbi Yehuda Azancot of Beth Torah, the synagogue to which her brother belongs. According to Azancot, “The main purpose of this trip is to tell the Israelis that we are one nation. We are with you. We support you. We stand with you. We’re coming here to help you and we’re coming here to tell you that we are with you.”
In additions to donations, Tuberman took along letters and cards made by Hillel Academy children. Describing one part of the trip, Tuberman said, “We went to an air force base one morning and met some amazing people. We handed out some of the cards that the Hillel kids made and the soldiers there loved them! They were so, so happy! Some of them gave me their patches with their names on them, right off of their uniforms! I was like, ‘no!’ And they insisted, so we took them. I literally could not hold back my tears... These soldiers protecting us are so young, they’re like babies. We are so grateful for all of them. And they were so grateful that we were there. I kept hugging those kids. And they were smiling all over the place. They were so happy!”
“This was a whirlwind trip for the Tubermans,” said organizers of the luncheon. “In the short time they were in Israel, they were greeted by heads of the World Zionist Organization, visited army bases, cooked and shared meals with soldiers, went to hospitals and met with families of hostages, as well as bereaved parents who had lost their children on October 7. They also visited Kibbutz Beeri, Kibbutz Kfar Azza and the site of the Nova festival massacres.”
“I can’t get over how inspiring this trip was,” said Tuberman. “There is great camaraderie and a sense of purpose among all the volunteers, and the Israelis all are so appreciative of people coming from outside to help in whatever way they can. It’s the first mission trip we’ve ever taken, though I’ve wanted to do this for many years. The most important takeaway for me is the sense of gratitude that soldiers and everyone we met felt because we had come to Israel. We need to support Israel in any way that we can right now and always! Show them support from America, with your words and your heart. They need your chizuk, they need your strength! Show them your love!”
Beth David’s Luncheon Speaker Series takes place the second Saturday of the month. Since the monthly series’ continuation depends on the generosity of contributors, Beth David welcomes and appreciates donations to the Luncheon Fund in order to keep the program going. Donations as well as sponsorships can be made in honor of, or in memory of, someone, or to mark a special occasion. Those wishing an acknowledgment to be sent to the person being honored, or to the family of someone being remembered, can indicate that along with the necessary information. Donations can be sent to Beth David Synagogue, 39 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905, Attention: Luncheon Fund.