The Sisterhood and Men’s Club of Beth David Synagogue will hold a Hanukkah party at the synagogue on Wednesday, December 13, at 6 pm. A donation of $5 per person is being made possible by the generosity of the Eisenberg Foundation; the donation will cover the major expenses, including security for the event. The party is open to the whole community. Reservations should be made by Sunday, December 10, by calling or texting Stacey Silber at 607-727-9738, or e-mailing her at
Anyone on the Sisterhood’s e-mail list will receive a flyer about the event designed by Rabbi David Serkin. Anyone who would like to be added to the e-mail list should send their e-mail address to the Beth David Synagogue office at
“Back by popular demand will be Jonathan Pachter, whose ‘Celebration of the Festival of Lights’ program last year was a major hit,” said organizers of the event. “He will once again entertain us at the piano with music and songs ranging from classic oldies to contemporary originals.”
Organizers added, “A party, of course, means food, and there should be plenty of it. Thanks to Charlie Manasse and Stacey Silber, we should be serving not only the expected potato latkes with appropriate condiments, but the rarely seen locally sufganiyot. There will, of course, be dreidels to play with (bring your own if you like) and other games to play if you are not engaged in conversation with your friends.
“Please let us know if you plan to attend, so we can be certain to have enough food for everyone,” organizers added. “Being a Jewish event, there probably will be enough food for you, even if you show up and forgot to RSVP, but reservations are a big help.”
Organizers noted, “As always, donations for CHOW will be accepted, and someone will be available to accept payment for your Sisterhood dues or for any mitzvah cards you may have requested. We hope you will join with the members and friends of Beth David Synagogue to celebrate Hanukkah with food, music and games.”