Since people will not be able to attend an in-person community seder this Passover, Chabad of Binghamton will deliver a “Seder in a Box” to any older or immunologically compromised individual in the local area. Interested parties are asked to e-mail or call the Chabad office at 797-0015 to reserve a box for themselves, family or friends as soon as possible. The “Seder in a Box” contains matzah, grape juice, a holiday dinner, ceremonial items necessary for a seder and a haggadah.
The subsidized cost of the “Seder in a Box” is $36 for one meal or $54 for two meals. Community members who wish to assist in the effort can help with delivery, can underwrite a box or two, and/or can help with the cooking of the food and packaging of the boxes. To offer assistance, contact Chabad at 797-0015. Checks earmarked for this purpose may be sent to Chabad, 420 Murray Hill Rd., Vestal, NY 13850.