The Women’s League for Chabad is currently accepting orders for its annual shalach manot service in which Binghamton residents can send packages of food and holiday greetings to local friends and acquaintances on Purim, which will be celebrated this year on Sunday, March 24. Anyone who has not received a complete information packet and order form, or who is seeking additional details, should call the Chabad Center at 607-797-0015.
“It’s Purim made easy,” says Ilene Pinsker, project chairwoman. “It’s a stress-free, very reasonably priced way to fulfill the mitzvah of mishloach manot, sending gifts of food on Purim, and a wonderful way to show your friendship and care. We do all the work for you and your friends get fabulous packages from you!”
For individuals who want to say Happy Purim to their friends outside of the community, Women’s League offers Purim greeting cards that can be sent anywhere in the continental U.S.A. for a charge of $4. All orders must be received no later than Sunday, March 10.
The Women’s League is also in need of volunteers to assist in assembling the packages and in their delivery on Purim day. Anyone able to help with the project should contact the Chabad office.