The annual Jewish Community Center’s Community Hanukkah Celebration will take place at the JCC, 500 Clubhouse Rd., Vestal, on Thursday, December 14, from 5:15-7 pm. The evening will begin with the Hanukkah torch walk, during which children and teens from the community will lead a procession of lights from the entrance to Temple Israel’s parking lot to the front of the JCC. There will be a brief ceremony with music and recitations. The event will then move into the JCC’s auditorium and feature performances by the JCC Early Childhood Center and Hillel Academy, as well as a showing of the annual community Hanukkah video.
The torch walk will take place from 5:15-5:30 pm, followed by entertainment from 5:30-6 pm, after which the food buffet will open. Food tickets will be sold for $8 per person and $6 for seniors and children with a family maximum of $28. From 6-7 pm, there will be games, face painting and arts and crafts, as well as dreidels and gelt for everyone while they last.
Reservations are appreciated and can be made by calling the JCC office at 607-724-2417.