By Reporter staff
The Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, will hold a “Stop the Bleed” and a “Security Update” program on Wednesday, March 27, at 6:30 pm, at Temple Concord, 5 Riverside Dr., Binghamton. The program will be presented by United Health Services Trauma Services. Mark Henderson, Secure Community Network regional advisor, will begin the evening with an update on security in the post-October 7 era. This will be followed by a “Stop the Bleed” presentation and “hands on” training. It is limited to 50 participants. Registration is required and can be made here or by calling Shelley Hubal, executive director of the Federation, at 607-724-2332. Registration must be made by Monday, March 25.
The “Stop the Bleed” program is designed to enable trained bystanders to take lifesaving action if needed until professional help can arrive following an accident, mass shooting or other acts of violence. Instructors focus on training people in all walks of life to become immediate responders.
Hubal noted, “Sometimes people are not able to escape a dangerous situation and may be injured. It takes time for the police to secure a scene and the medical personnel can’t enter until that happens. If someone is injured, then those who are with them are the only ones who can offer medical care. This program will give people some basic skills to do that. Even if you have done this training before it is important to keep practicing in order to learn the skills.”
She added, “Knowing how to do first aid in a traumatic situation could very well be the difference between life and death. Pikuach nefesh is the Jewish principle that tells us saving a life is of utmost importance. That is why we are doing this training.”