The Arts Committee of Temple Beth-El in Ithaca will hold the virtual lecture “The Photographic Collection of the First Jewish Museum in Berlin: An Artistic Research Between Berlin, Warsaw, Tel Aviv and New York” on Thursday, April 27, at 7 pm. Yael Wishnicki-Levi, a Polish-American-Israeli artist and researcher who is currently living in Ithaca, will offer fragments from her thesis project “From An Archive To An Artwork: A Contemporary Analysis of the Photographic Collection of the First Jewish Museum In Berlin” and the contents of the Jewish digital archive. She will also share her plans for the next stage of her research. A question-and answer period will follow. To register for the program, click here.
Wishnicki-Levi lived in Poland for eight years, researching and creating art focused on her family history. While in Poland, she discovered a photographic repository of the first Jewish Museum in Berlin, which is now housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. This has become the subject of her M.A. thesis at the department of Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw, Poland.