Temple Concord will join with several synagogues to offer a livestream concert featuring The Afro-Semitic Experience on Saturday, January 16, at 8 pm.
The Afro-Semitic Experience is a band of African-American and Jewish-American musicians who are dedicated to preserving, promoting and expanding the cultural and musical heritage of the Jewish and African Diaspora. The January 16 concert will honor and celebrate the memory and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“The group’s music is a merging of the many elements of the two cultures,” said organizers of the event. “Much of what they play has a strong spiritual center to it, and their repertoire contains a heavy dose of music from the Jewish synagogue and the African-American church. Their music brings joy and enthusiasm to their performances and audiences are invariably on their feet dancing to the music! During their performances, they tell stories about what the pieces mean, how they relate to us as individuals, and how they reflect upon the relations between Blacks and Jews.
“Although the pandemic keeps us apart, this will be a concert that connects us as the band plays music that embodies the radical notion that people of different faiths, races and beliefs can come together, and celebrate and build community,” organizers added. “The group is planning a thoughtfully curated program that includes music from the Civil Rights era, Dr. King’s favorite gospel songs and original songs centered around the themes of peace, unity and community.”
David Chevan of the group writes: “We merge our musical roots, Jewish and Afro-diasporic melodies and grooves, combining the core concepts of ÀSE and shalom – power, action, unity and peace.”
Contact Temple Concord at templeconcordbinghamton@gmail.com or 723-7355 for more information or a link to the concert.