Rabbi Barbara Goldman-Wartell, spiritual leader of Temple Concord, will lead a community Passover seder on the first night of Passover, Saturday, March 27, starting at 6 pm, that is open to the Jewish community. The event will begin with song to give everyone time to get connected to the Zoom event. To register in advance for the meeting, visit https://binghamton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAocu2srTMtH906YdVova5rb7GJ4xjR5sV2. After registration, a confirmation e-mail will be sent containing information about joining the meeting.
The haggadah will be shared on the screen. The seder will start with the before-dinner rituals, including the first two cups of wine or grape juice, then break for dinner and resume afterward for blessing the meal, the concluding two cups of wine or juice, Elijah’s cup and Passover songs.
“Plan now to have matzah and other ritual seder foods (an egg, charoset, spring vegetable like parsley, bitter herbs, a roasted bone or beet, and maybe an orange or clementine),” said organizers of the event. “If you can’t purchase or make all of them, be creative for bitter herbs/foods, spring greens and a charoset mixture.”
Anyone who knows they will be attending can contact Goldman-Wartell at templeconcordbinghamton@gmail.com or rabbigoldmanwartell@gmail.com to be included in planning the evening.
“Please consider joining Rabbi Barbara by phone, computer or tablet to celebrate Passover if you are not able to be together with others for seder, or have the whole group join us to celebrate the holiday,” organizers added.