Temple Concord will hold a virtual concert “Celebrate Torah-Celebrate Life!” featuring “Nefesh Mountain” on Friday, October 9, beginning at 8 pm. Advanced registration is required to receive the login information. Contact Temple Concord for the Zoom registration link at templeconcordbinghamton@gmail.com or 723-7355.
“Temple Concord is excited to celebrate Simchat Torah this year in a unique way,” said organizers of the event. “In past years, we had danced with the Torahs, then unrolled one Torah around the social hall with different people reading a few verses in each book of the Torah. This year, we will be celebrating the holiday from our homes on Shabbat. We will also be honoring the memory of Richard Frankel, who died this past summer, in joining with other smaller Union for Reform Judaism congregations for a live concert with Nefesh Mountain. Dick Frankel set up the Harriet and Richard Frankel Shabbat and Holiday Music Fund several years ago to support musical programs for Jewish holiday and Shabbat celebrations and Services.”