TC to host community musical Passover program for 3-6 year olds & their...

TC to host community musical Passover program for 3-6-year-olds and their families

By Reporter staff

Temple Concord will host a musical Passover program for 3-6-year olds and their families featuring award-winning musician and early childhood music educator Ellen Allard on Sunday, March 14, at 11:30 am. The Zoom program will be open to the community and is sponsored by a community grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton. Other smaller Jewish communities and congregations will also be joining the program. For Zoom information, contact Temple Concord at 723-7355 or

According to the Reform Judaism website, “Ellen Allard is synonymous with the very best in children’s music. She is a multi-award winning children’s recording artist, composer, performer and early childhood music educator, drawing on a rich tradition of musical experiences in presenting her lively and captivating concerts, keynote presentations and workshops for family audiences and educational conferences across the country.” 

Allard has won several Children’s Web awards for her work, including the albums “Sing it! Say it! Stamp it! Sway it! vol. 1,” “Sing it! Say it! Stamp it! Sway it! vol. 3,” “Sing Shalom: Songs for the Jewish Holidays” and “Good Kid.” Her music has been recorded by other artists, and her compositions have been used in schools, synagogues and summer camps. It is also taught to cantorial students attending Hebrew Union College’s Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music in New York City and the Hebrew College in Newton, MA.

“I’m pleased that we will be able to offer Ellen’s music to the Binghamton community,” said Rabbi Barbara Goldman-Wartell, spiritual leader of Temple Concord. “I’ve followed her career and music for years from CAJE conferences to workshops and webinars. I had the pleasure of attending her Shabbat morning service for families at the URJ Biennial in Chicago, sitting on the floor with everyone, moving, etc., with her and her puppet, Mimi the Mermaid. I’m certain children and their parents will enjoy this wonderful program.” 

“This is the first of our community grants,” said Shelley Hubal, executive director of the Federation. “I’m pleased it’s being used to reach the younger children in our community. I think this will be a great way to introduce them to Passover. 

A second program with Allard focusing on Israel will take place on Sunday, April 11. For more information, see future issues of The Reporter. Allard will be offering a training session for those involved with programming for younger children online in addition to the two family programs.

For more information about Allard, visit her website at or view her Youtube channel at Allard.