Temple Concord will host Aviva Friedman, community educator at Family Planning of South Central New York, as its guest speaker for Repro Shabbat on Friday, January 28, at 7:30 pm. Friedman is a Temple Concord member and on the Binghamton City Council. To attend in person, all must show proof of COVID-19 vaccinations, wear a mask and physically distance. The service will also be available via Zoom available here, meeting ID 829 9450 3102 and passcode 708450, or on the Temple Concord Facebook page.
“Shabbat Mishpatim is a meaningful Shabbat to dedicate to reproductive freedom,” said organizers. “It was during the week of the Mishpatim Torah portion that the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which legalized abortion in the United States ,was announced 49 years ago. We also read in Mishpatim, the verses that form the basis of the Jewish approach to reproductive freedom: the story of a miscarriage caused by an accident that teaches us much about how Judaism does, and doesn’t, regard the status of a fetus. This is a time for us to learn about our tradition and to seek steps toward action.”
Organizers added, “The critical importance of advocating for reproductive freedom, ensuring that we all have access to the quality, comprehensive care that we need to thrive with dignity, is part of our Jewish communal celebration sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women.”