Temple Israel is holding its Honeygram fund-raiser. “Honeybees are busy preparing for the return of the Honeygram fund-raiser as a way to wish friends and family a sweet New Year 5784,” said organizers of the fund-raiser. “The Honeygrams can be sent locally and out of town. Each Honeygram will include a 2.5 oz. jar of Glicks honey, a bag of King Sweets honey candy (both are certified kosher), an apple charm and a New Year greeting card.”
There are two delivery options:
Bumblebee – a gift box for $25 that will be sent to a single recipient anywhere in the U.S., along with a custom greeting.
The Honeybee – gifts that are for local delivery only. The first box sent is $18, additional boxes are $8 each. The person’s name will be included on a group gift card delivered with the box.
Orders with payment must be received by the Temple Israel office by Monday, August 21, and include the recipient’s name and address. To place an order, call the temple office at 723-7461 or e-mail titammy@stny.twcbc.com.
Organizers added the fund-raiser has a dual purpose: “While this helps support our synagogue, even more importantly, it is the perfect way to wish friends and family a New Year filled with joy and happiness!”