From the Executive Editor

In My Own Words: Feed the children

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

“When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap the corners of your field, nor should you gather the gleaning of your harvest. And you should not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the …

In My Own Words: The precariousness of life

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I’m not particularly interested in the British royal family. Since most of their actions have no impact on my life, I rarely read about them. (And, no, I did not watch any of their weddings or the coronation.) Their family arguments are none of my business; I beli…

In My Own Words: Three lives

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I saw the obituary just before leaving to attend a gravestone dedication at a local cemetery. Most of the obituary talked about the hard work done by the woman’s late mother: she used patterning to help her daughter learn to walk, although nothing could be done ab…

In My Own Words: Miscellaneous things

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Two trials

After learning former President Donald Trump was found guilty of felony charges of falsifying business records, unlike many of my friends, I didn’t rejoice in the verdict. Instead, I found it profoundly sad that a former president of our country was fo…

In My Own Words: Zionists and anti-Zionists

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Zionism is defined as “an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel.” I am a Zionist because I believe …