From the Executive Editor

In My Own Words: A wonderful ceremony with bittersweet overtones

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

One of the friends who accompanied me asked if I was going to put an article in the paper about the ceremony and I said there was going to be a one-inch “Of note” (see page 3) and maybe something for this column. She muttered something along the lines that I cer…

In My Own Words: Here we go again

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Do you ever feel like a broken record, repeating something that no one seems to hear? The title of this column, “Here we go again,” was written with a deep sigh of discouragement after reading the headline “Study: Asian Americans don’t feel safe – Rising …

In My Own Words: Drops of wine and Russia

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

For me, the most moving moment of the Passover seder is when we remove drops of wine – the wine that symbolizes joy and gladness – from our cups while reciting the plagues that occurred before the Israelites were released from slavery. We are reminded that, eve…

In My Own Words: Ups and downs with my CI

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

In March, I visited the audiologist who handles my cochlear implant to check on my progress with the new CI, which I’ve had for seven months. (My original one is no longer supported by its maker, much as what happens when you need a new version of a cell phone or…

In My Own Words: Freedom of speech works both ways

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – First amen…