From the Federation Executive Director

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 8/28/20

There are many reasons and ways to cultivate gratitude in one’s life. These last several months, I have been working to create more moments when my attention is fully focused on the present. In the unfiltered, present moment, gratitude comes easily. However, this is a challenge for a busy …

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 7/31/20

By Shelley Hubal

Lately I have been thinking a lot of my paternal grandfather, Barney Meltzer. Known for his integrity and his kind demeanor, Grandpa Barney was a loving family man and confidant. He practiced law in Syracuse for 50 years. It was not uncommon for clients and community member…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 7/3/20

I am typically not a procrastinator. I love to make a list and dutifully check off each item after it is accomplished. I even start each day by making my bed, a quick and easy accomplishment. Check! 

So, I find myself asking: why have I been procrastinating writing this op-ed? Truth be tol…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 6/12/20

by Shelley Hubal

Disheartened, sad, angry and scared for the next generation: these are some of the feelings my neighbor and I discussed this morning. She was out walking her dog with tears in her eyes. “The world feels heavy right now,” I said to her. She nodded her agreement. Recreati…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With Gratitude 5/15/20

A friend of the family recently passed from coronavirus. His devoted wife was unable to continue her daily visits to the nursing home where he had resided for several years. Desperate to be with him during his last days, her family placed a four-foot ladder outside his window. She put on a m…