From the Federation Executive Director

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 12/18/20

Good-bye 2020! This year, we saw the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, a worldwide pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of U.S. lives alone and sent our economy into a tailspin, a divisive U.S. presidential election like no other, and nationwide unrest as we struggle to define our…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 11/20/20

Our Jewish community is changing. We are shrinking. There is no denying this fact. If you are lucky enough to go to Florida this winter, you will have lots of opportunities to see former Binghamtonians (or Bing-a-lings as my sister calls them). The changes we are experiencing are nothing new…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 11/6/20

By Shelley Hubal

I am grateful the annual Campaign gives me the opportunity to reconnect with Jewish community members, both locally and those that once called Binghamton their home. One highlight on Super Sunday was speaking with a former Binghamton community member who now lives out West.…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 10/9

Socially distant, but spiritually connected: that is the theme of this year’s Annual Campaign. In choosing a theme, we knew the landscape of COVID would have to be acknowledged. We have all heard these sound bites recently: “we are all in this together” and “this is an unprecedented …

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 9/11/20

By Shelley Hubal

I have a quote on my fridge. Written on what is now an old, stained sticky note, it has been there for years. I heard it during a podcast, scribbled it down and impulsively stuck it up. I have looked at these words countless times over the years, taking direction from them.…