Miscellaneous Features

Jewish sages and Jewish wisdom

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Jewish sages
When people discuss the Talmud, they usually speak about its legal (halachic) aspects. However, its pages are also filled with aggadic material – stories about the ancient rabbis that were used to teach lessons or illustrate a point. In “The Snake a…

On the Jewish food scene: Judaism and pomegranates

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

My first introduction to pomegranates was through my father. He never used that name, though: at the time, it was called a “Chinese apple.” He let me taste it and I loved the seeds’ sweet and sour taste. In fact, I still love that taste and eat the fruit the s…

Team Israel: Requiem for a quixotic Olympic quest

By Bill Simons

Team Israel’s improbable and gritty Olympic run for a baseball medal ended with a heart-wrenching loss on August 3 in Yokohama, Japan. In this elimination game, the Dominican Republic, a nation that has produced many major league stars, rallied in the bottom of the ninth …

Jewish Online Resources 8/27/2021

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 
The Jewish Theological Seminary will hold the virtual program “Atonement: An …

Fleischmann's Field of Dreams: Jewish Time Stamps, Part II

By Bill Simons

It is Shabbat, Saturday, June 26, 2021. Dozens of hasidic women, children and men walk the streets and pathways. The women are dressed conservatively, and the men, with side curls and beards, are, despite the advent of summer, attired in traditional, black-brimmed hats and l…