Miscellaneous Features

Andy Cohen: Marketing a Jewish Ballplayer

By Bill Simons

Andy Cohen was not the first Jewish major leaguer. That distinction belongs to Lip Pike, a good hitting outfielder who played in the maiden seasons of both the National Association (1871) and the National League (1876). Nor was Cohen the best Jewish baseball player. A couple …

Jewish Summer Food

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Jewish summer food has been on my mind now that the hot weather has hit – or rather the lack of food that could be called that. The only specific Jewish summer food I remember from my childhood is the cold borscht my father used to eat: the beet soup turned a beau…

Isaac Karp chosen as BHS valedictorian by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

People might not expect Isaac Karp, the 2020 Binghamton High School valedictorian, to be modest, but the son of Jonathan Karp (associate professor and undergraduate director of Judaic studies at Binghamton University) and Gina Glasman (a lecturer in the same departm…

Jewish resources to occupy your family during social distancing – part 14

By Reporter staff 

A variety of Jewish groups are offering online resources – educational and recreational – for those who are not allowed out of the house. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

  • The America-Israel Fri…

Baseball’s all-time Jewish all-star team by Bill Simons

By Bill Simons

When Esquire magazine named all-time baseball all-star teams for various ethnic groups, sarcasm preceded its Jewish selections: “There haven’t been many Jewish ballplayers, let alone Jewish ballplayers of quality, and this creates problems; anyone who is left off the team…