
From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With Gratitude (7/16)

“I pledge to be funny.” Those are the words my son Joshua wrote several years ago when he was asked to sign a behavior contract before going to sleep-away camp. Not satisfied with just committing himself to respecting others and following the camp rules, he made a commitment that to keep…

In My Own Words: Tribute to a Friend

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I don’t usually write about my rabbinical work in this column, but, although there are numerous political and social issues of importance I could discuss, it’s personal ones that are haunting me this week. On June 16, for the first time, I did the funeral of a p…

Executive Editor Thread: Antisemitism

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

“Thinking I really have to write about antisemitism, although I’m not sure how much more anyone can say. Maybe I will say just that.” The impetus for my statement was reading commentators asking where was the outrage about the antisemitism that has flared up i…

In My Own Words: Difference of Opinion

One of my favorite memories of freshman year in college took place in a literature seminar: the students in the class got our English professor to admit that “Moby Dick” was a poorly written book. When I was in rabbinical school, I learned that the Herman Melville novel was the favorite …

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 6/4/21

In preparation for the Federation annual meeting on June 16, I’ve spent time reflecting on the past year and creating a vision for the year to come. (For information about how to attend the meeting, see the article on page 1.) The pandemic brought with it unprecedented challenges, but it a…